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"I lived and shared a roller coaster life with my family during my seasons of bereavement because there is so much living to do when time is running out." Dianne Porter 2020 The authors father Geoffrey Byrne, was a descendent of Tidbinbilla pioneers and her mother Helen Byrne, was interested in political and family history. The threads of Australian History interweaved in these reflections share how key events in Australia impacted their family life. Helen Byrne was a chauffer in a car outside Parliament House on the day Prime Minister Goff Whitlam, announced he had been dismissed by Sir John Kerr, the Governor Genral of that time. It was a frightening experience to be there as Helen, was afraid the car would be mobbed and turned over. Dianne Porter's memoir of her family life, love, loss and hope can enrich and equip others find life is worth living when our hold on life is fragile. At key times dreams and a sense of God and Jesus presence helped the author when she felt the known ways no longer worked for her. The revisited versions contains original music of laments written at the time. They have been included in the appendix after the photographs. As a trained nurse with over 30 years experience in aged care, the authors insights into end of life care are based on her professional and personal nursing experience. Police, ambulance officers, medical staff, hospital chaplains and funeral directors will find parts of this memoir helpful. Every reader will find something they can take away from the information shared in this book. The chapters are easy to read and can be read as a single item or a whole story. Originally Published January 2014. Revisited Version Published March 2014. |